The magic
you don’t expect.
Tenuta Sei Ore is located in Gambara and is an ideal location for weddings, parties and corporate events. Nestled in the quiet countryside south of Brescia, almost on the border with the province of Cremona, it is a structure of historical and architectural value, consisting of vast indoor and outdoor spaces, connected by courtyards, colonnades and large green spaces. There is also a park with its own pond, a truly perfect place for the bride and groom’s photos and cake cutting, and even squires with beautiful horses. Tenuta Sei Ore offers large gardens, cool and welcoming porches even in summer, majestic rooms for birthday parties, graduation parties or corporate meetings, villas and rooms with bathrooms for rent for weddings, furnished in the original early 20th century style, with wrought-iron beds and restored closets. Discover its most magical corners with your own eyes.
On the border
between tradition and nature.
Tenuta Sei Ore has a very ancient agricultural vocation, with archaeological finds of a rustic Roman villa testifying to the use of the site as early as the fourth century AD. As part of the territories entrusted by Charles IV to the Gambara counts in 1354, the estate remained in the hands of the powerful family until the early 19th century. The monumental avenue of centuries-old mulberry trees leading to the Tenuta Sei Ore is still a reminder of the intensive jasmine cultivation practiced until the mid-20th century. Although there are various legends about the name Sei Ore, including one that attributes its origin to the loss of the entire estate in 6 hours of card-playing, the place name does not derive from a temporal connotation but from San Jorio, that is, San Giorgio, changed in later transcriptions to Sà Jori, Santo Jori, San Jori, Saiori, to Seiore.
How to fulfill
your wishes.
Tenuta Sei Ore offers a different and enchanted dimension for small and large events, whether private: weddings, birthdays, graduations, parties, or business: meetings, team building, corporate events. Our services include suites for rent for weddings and parties, furnished with the simple and essential objects of the early 1900s.
Tenuta Sei Ore offers a different and enchanted dimension for small and large events, whether private: weddings, birthdays, graduations, parties, or business: meetings, team building, corporate events. Our services include suites for rent for weddings and parties, furnished with the simple and essential objects of the early 1900s.
🇮🇹 Vicino a Brescia c’è un luogo speciale per organizzare piccoli e grandi eventi, sia privati, che business.
La nostra #TenutaSeiOre ti aspetta con le sue magiche atmosfere, qui ogni spazio è personalizzabile come vuoi tu. Scrivici per fissare un sopralluogo e vieni a scoprire le nostre proposte. 🍀🌼
🇬🇧 Near Brescia there is a special place to organize small and large events, both private and business. La nostra #TenutaSeiOre is waiting for you with its magical atmosphere, here every space is customizable as you wish. Write to us to schedule an inspection and come discover our proposals. 🍀🌼
Ph.Credits.: @youreventlab
Planning&Design: @federicapaderno
Venue: @tenutaseiore
Flowers: @elenafiori.it
Mua: @sissi___mua
Food: @eventibio
Rental: @integra_rent
#Wedding #WeddingLocation #LocationMatrimonio #Event #WeddinginItaly #RealWedding #WeddingInspiration #DestinationWedding #MatrimonioBrescia #EventiBrescia #RomanticSetting #Love
🇮🇹 La nostra #TenutaSeiOre è una magica location immersa nel verde e vicino a Brescia, con grandi spazi esterni, portici accoglienti e sale ricche di fascino e storia, per rendere speciale ogni evento, grande o piccolo. 🌺🌼
🇬🇧 Our #TenutaSeiOre is a magical location surrounded by greenery near Brescia, with large outdoor spaces, cozy porches and rooms full of charm and history to make any event, big or small, special. 🌺🌼
Ph.: @nicolobrunelli_wedding
Flowers: @elenafiori.it
Planning: @federicapaderno
#TenutaSeiOre #LocationMatrimonio #EventiBrescia #UniqueVenue #HistoricVenue #WeddinginItaly #RealWedding #DestinationWedding #Event #PrivateEvent #CorporateEvent
🇮🇹 Se cerchi una location per le tue nozze che abbia quel certo non so che, visita la nostra #TenutaSeiOre, qui troverai tutta la magia e l’accoglienza degli spazi verdi, dei grandi portici e delle sue antiche sale. 💍❤️
🇬🇧 If you`re looking for a wedding venue that has that certain something, visit our #TenutaSeiOre, here you`ll find all the magic and welcome of its green spaces, grand arcades and ancient halls. 💍❤️
📸 | @claudiofontanaphoto
#WeddingBrescia #MatrimonioBrescia #LocationMatrimonio #EventiBrescia #UniqueVenue #ChicEventPlace #HistoricVenue #RomanticSetting #Event
🇮🇹 Vicino a Brescia, la nostra #TenutaSeiOre accoglie ogni evento nei suoi ambienti incantati: sale storiche, portici accoglienti, grandi spazi all’aperto con giardini, fontane e un parco col suo laghetto, puoi conoscerli con un sopralluogo. 🗿⛲
🇬🇧 Near Brescia, our #TenutaSeiOre welcomes every event in its enchanted settings: historic halls, cozy porches, large outdoor spaces with gardens, fountains and a park with its own pond, you can get to know them with an inspection. 🗿⛲
#TenutaSeiOre #LocationMatrimonio #EventiBrescia #UniqueVenue #HistoricVenue #WeddinginItaly #RealWedding #DestinationWedding #Event #PrivateEvent #CorporateEvent
🇮🇹 La nostra #TenutaSeiOre dona alle tue nozze tutti i momenti più belli che hai sempre sognato. Potrai organizzare ogni spazio esterno o interno proprio come vuoi tu, visita i suoi giardini e le sue sale incantate prenotando un sopralluogo. 🌷💚
🇬🇧 Our Tenuta Sei Ore gives your wedding all the beautiful moments you`ve always dreamed of. You can arrange each outdoor or indoor space just the way you want, visit its gardens and enchanted halls by booking an inspection. 🌷💚
📸 | @metzuphoto
🎬 | @martagazzurelli_ph
#WeddingBrescia #MatrimonioBrescia #LocationMatrimonio #EventiBrescia #UniqueVenue #ChicEventPlace #HistoricVenue #RomanticSetting #Event
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